FREE Mattress Cover AND Pillow Cases!

FREE Mattress Cover And Pillow Cases From Everlasting Comfort!

Everlasting Comfort is giving away free mattress covers and pillow cases, and you get to choose the size you want ๐Ÿ˜€

Just follow these steps to get yours:

1- Go to @Everlasting_Comfort on Instagram

2- Send them this message: โ€ sent me. I would like to do a product review โ€œ

3- They will ask where you are from. Tell them your province & Canada

4- They will send you a link to pick a product to review, add it to your Amazon account and send them a screenshot of the total cost with tax/shipping.

5- They will send you a Paypal transfer for the total amount of the product, tax & shipping within 24 hrs

6- Use the money they send you to buy the product

7- When you get the product in a couple days, just post a photo on Instagram with a quick review ( like one sentence will do) and tag them in the post.

To qualify, you have to have a paypal account (free), and Amazon account (free) & Instagram.ย 

Get More Instagram Followers Hereย in ourย Facebook Group

This free offer is open to residents of Canada & USA

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