Free Random Act of Kindness Cards

Random Act of Kindness

There is nothing like going to your mailbox and instead of finding just bills, you find FREEBIES or a card from a special friend.  Sending a snail-mail card to that one special friend, could cheer up their day, and put a smile on their face.  So why not take a look at these offers, and request your FREE random act of kindness cards, that you can mail to your friends 🙂

Site #1 to request cards from:

  • If you head over to you can send them an email request for FREE cards.
  • Simply put in the subject line of your email “Request for Kindness Cards” and provided them with your mailing address, and you will be mailed some cards.
  • Email:

Site #2 to request cards from:

  • If you go over to Gift of Kindness, you can fill out the simple request form to get your FREE cards.
  • Make sure to request only the number of cards, you figure you will send out.
  • Request your kindness cards here!

Site #3 to request cards from:

Site #4 to request cards from:

  • Simply provide them with your name and mailing address, and they will ship you a few FREE cards.
  • You can request more cards at any time, FREE of charge.
  • Email your request here:

So order your cards, mail them out to a family member, a friend, neighbour, etc….and put a smile a their face 🙂


“No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves. ” ~ Amelia Earhart





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