FREE $25 Esso & Mobil Gas Gift Card

Esso & Mobile Canada Free Gas Gift Card For Health Care Wokers!

For more than a year, we have relied on thousands of frontline health care workers to help keep us healthy and safe. To show our appreciation:Imperial is providing up to $2.5 million in free fuel to 100,000 Canadian frontline health care heroes.

Help us show our Canadian health care heroes the support and recognition they deserve by nominating a frontline health care worker to receive a $25 Esso™ & Mobil™ e-Gift Card redeemable at any Esso or Mobil station across Canada. You can nominate a frontline health care worker who may be your neighbour, your friend, your colleague, a family member or even your family doctor!

To our nurses, doctors, paramedics, hospital staff and other frontline health care workers currently doing the critical work of keeping Canadians safe, we’re so grateful.

To nominate a frontline health care worker to claim 1 of the 100,000 available $25 Esso™ & Mobil™ e-Gift Card, follow the steps below:

  1. Register below.
  2. Confirm your nomination by email. As a thank you for nominating a frontline health care worker, you will receive a Price Privileges™ Card valid for savings of 5 cents a litre, to a maximum of 100 litres of fuel, while supplies last (100,000 Price Privileges™ Card are available).
  3. If the frontline health care worker you nominated accepts your nomination, they will be asked to confirm their information (name, job title and email address) and eligibility criteria in order to claim a $25 Digital Esso & Mobil Gift Card, while quantities last. Terms and conditions apply.
  4. Frontline health care workers have the option to submit a photo of themselves in their work attire to help our team verify their submission. In addition to a photo submission, we encourage our frontline health care workers to share a story they have about caring for others on the frontline through the COVID-19 pandemic.

You and the person you nominate will have to confirm the email they send you.

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